General terms and conditions for participation in Holland Fisheries Event 2020

1 General

1.1 These terms and conditions are applicable to all activities connected to the organisation of the Holland Fisheries Event. The other party in these terms and conditions, referred to as ‘exhibitor’, are lessees of stands or stand spaces at the exhibition to be held during the Holland Fisheries Event. Holland Fisheries Event is organised by Projectbureau HFE on the authority of Stichting Visserijdagen Urk, hereinafter referred to as ‘the organiser’. Holland Fisheries Event is held at Koningshof in Urk, hereinafter referred to as ‘Koningshof’. By signing the contract to exhibit, the exhibitor agrees to the following terms and conditions.
1.2 Any situation arising between parties that is not provided for by these general terms and conditions shall be assessed in the spirit of these general terms and conditions.
1.3 This contract is governed by these general terms and conditions, with the exclusion of any other general terms and conditions.
1.4 If the exhibitor fails to comply with these terms and conditions in whole or in part, the organiser shall be entitled to deny it admission to the Holland Fisheries Event, or order it to remove its stand materials and exhibits immediately, without such giving the exhibitor any grounds whatsoever for compensation, and notwithstanding the other obligations of the exhibitor under this contract, including those in respect of the agreed cost of the stand. The organiser reserves the right to refuse prospective exhibitors.
1.5 Exhibitors that do not comply with the aforesaid provisions may be expelled from the event by the organiser. If such expulsion occurs, they will then be prohibited from occupying any stand and no refund will be given for the amount paid by them for the stand or the additional exhibit charges.

2 Stand construction

The exhibitor shall promptly comply with all conditions laid down by the government in relation to the construction and design of its stand, just as the general terms and conditions laid down by the management of the exhibition building, such as:
1. No material or item of any kind may be fixed to the building and/or parts of the building in any way whatsoever.
2. Floor loads exceeding 500 kg per metre must be discussed in advance.

3 Gas, water, electricity

3.1 The cost of connection to and use of gas, water and/or high-voltage current (380v), fitting and all expenses connected to fitting out the stand, as well as the cost of transport of the exhibitor’s goods and/or stand materials shall be paid by the exhibitor.

4 Exhibit charges and participation

4.1 The exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition includes – besides the catering arrangements – the listing of its name in the list of exhibitors in the Visserijnieuws Special of 28 September 2018. Name and logo will also be displayed on our website, with hyperlinks to your website. The exhibitor may also place an advertisement in Visserijnieuws Special; this will be charged for separately.

5 The exhibitor may not:

5.1 Use any area outside its stand or space for distributing printed matter or affixing advertisements without the prior consent of the organiser in writing,
5.2 Cause a nuisance of any kind whatsoever to other exhibitors.
5.3 Burn incense, tealights or candles at its stand.
5.4 Bring its own tables, chairs or other furniture, without consent. If the exhibitor believes that there is an urgent reason to do so, the exhibitor must discuss this with the organiser in advance.
5.5 Organise lotteries or competitions during the Holland Fisheries Event without the express consent of the organiser and without a licence issued by the local authority.
5.6 Engage in activities during event days which could cause danger to any third party or the event itself. Nor may they engage in any activities which lie completely outside the scope of the event, without the express consent of the organiser.
5.7 Evade the instructions to reduce the risk of fire that apply at exhibitions.
5.8 Permit any third party to use the whole or any part of its stand without the knowledge of the organiser, nor may it use this stand as a sales point for the activities of any third party.

6 Exhibition floor plan

6.1 The organiser shall be entitled to lay out the floor plan and allocate spaces according to the order in which payments are received and/or as agreed beforehand with the exhibitor. The organiser shall endeavour at all times to take account of the preference of the exhibitors whenever possible.
6.2 The organiser shall be entitled to alter the floor plan due to organisational circumstances, taking account of the arrangements made with the exhibitor wherever possible, to the greatest extent possible.
6.3 Stand spaces are let throughout the entire event, as agreed in the contract. Any alteration owing to force majeure shall be communicated to the exhibitors by the organiser.
6.4 The names of the exhibitor’s stand staff shall be submitted to the organiser in advance.

7 Liability

7.1 The organiser shall not be liable for damage to the exhibitor’s stand and/or exhibits or any injury sustained by visitors to the stand. Nor shall the organiser be liable for theft of any kind whatsoever. The exhibitor must insure against these risks itself.
7.2 The organiser shall not be liable for disputes between exhibitors.
7.3 The organiser shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions made in the Visserijnieuws Special. Nor shall the organiser be liable to any third party if the details provided about the exhibitor are incorrect.
7.4 The exhibitor shall be liable for all costs incurred by the organiser in connection with its participation, regardless of whether these costs have been incurred by the exhibitor itself or by a third party acting in its name.
7.5 The contractual and legal liability of the organiser to the exhibitor is limited to the cost of the stand. If the exhibitor fails to meet any of the obligations pursuant to the contract, the organiser shall be entitled to terminate (in writing) the contract in whole or in part, without prior notice of default, and without this resulting in any liability for compensation on the part of the organiser.

8 Payment

8.1 Payments by the exhibitor shall be made within 14 days of the date of invoice, unless otherwise stated. If the exhibitor fails to pay the sums due by the due date, statutory interest shall be payable as from the first day after the term of payment.
8.2 The organiser shall be entitled to keep possession of the goods and exhibits present in the name of the exhibitor in the stand space until the entire cost of the stand, plus any interest and charges, has been paid by the exhibitor. The exhibitor shall not be entitled to set off any sums against the cost of the stand or to the suspension of the sums payable by it. Value added tax shall be payable by the exhibitor on the cost of the stand.
8.3 Participation in the event is not official until all stand costs and additional exhibit charges have been paid.
8.4 Objections to the amount of the invoice do not suspend the obligation to pay.
8.5 If the payment term is exceeded, the organiser shall be entitled to cancel the exhibitor’s stand space, notwithstanding the exhibitor’s obligation to pay the cost of the stand.

9 Catering

9.1 During the event, the exhibitor is not permitted to use any caterer other than Koningshof. The organiser’s official caterers also have, to the exclusion of all others, the exclusive right to sell drinks, food and other articles for human consumption on the grounds of Holland Fisheries Event.
9.2 The exhibitor is not permitted to bring or consume its own food and drink during events. Microwave ovens, toasters and all other such equipment are also prohibited, with the exception of demonstrations of aforesaid equipment and demonstrations where such equipment is used, only after consultation with the organiser.
9.3 The dispensing of food and/or stimulants of any kind is subject to the provisions of the Food Inspection Department and the Special Statues Department of the municipal police in Urk and only permitted after obtaining the prior consent of the organiser in writing.

10 Smoke-free area

The exhibitor is not permitted to smoke on the event floor, in the catering area or in the conference area. Smoking is only allowed outside the event floor and in the designated smoking areas outside.

11 Force majeure

11.1 The organiser reserves the right to cancel the event as a result of force majeure, in which case the exhibitor has no entitlement to compensation for loss of any kind whatsoever. Force majeure is taken to mean any failure to perform the contract arising through no fault of the organiser’s and not at the organiser’s risk, irrespective of whether that situation was foreseeable at the time that the contract was concluded. The contract shall then be terminated by the organiser’s confirmation in writing, subject to the following.
11.2 If the event is cancelled in whole for the aforesaid reason, the registrations and any allocations of stand spaced made shall be considered null and void, and the payments made by the exhibitor in respect of the cost of the stand shall be refunded after deducting expenses incurred by the organiser, which can be divided in whole or in part over the exhibitors in proportion to the let stand space. This refund shall be made within 60 days after the decision to cancel the event.
11.3 The organiser may suspend the obligations under this contract during the period that the force majeure continues. If this period lasts longer than two months, each party shall be entitled to terminate the contract, without any obligation to compensate that party for loss.
11.4 The organiser will refund the cost of the stand and the additional exhibit charges within 30 days if it is decided to cancel the event because it cannot take place by reason of force majeure.
The organiser will not compensate for the right to interest, expenses or such.
11.5 If the organiser, other than in the case of force majeure, decides to cancel the event, which is at the organiser’s absolute discretion, the organiser shall inform the exhibitor of this no later than four weeks before the commencement of the event. The contract will then be terminated after a statement in writing; the exhibitor shall then be entitled to refund of the entire cost of the stand, without this resulting in any liability for compensation on the part of the organiser.

12 Fitting materials

12.1 The exhibitor shall ensure that transport and fitting equipment is not present in the exhibition building during event days. The escape routes in the exhibition building must be kept free from all obstruction.
12.2 The exhibitor’s materials and fittings must be in compliance with the general fire regulations. Inflammable materials must be made flameproof or treated with a fire retardant.
12.3 In fitting out its stand, if the exhibitor uses substances that can damage the floor, the exhibitor must sufficiently protect the floor against the properties of these substances.
12.4 Exhibits must be displayed in such a way that they do not obstruct the general view through the exhibition area or conceal other stands, in the opinion of the organiser.
12.5 Exhibitors may not open doors, including those of the emergency exits, during the event days.

13 Build-up and breakdown

13.1 Dismantling shall be completed within the timescale given by the organiser in writing. All stands must be completely dismantled and removed by that time. If this is not done, it will be carried out by the organiser at the expense of the exhibitor. Compliance with the build-up and breakdown regulations issued by the organiser will be monitored during the breakdown day. The exhibitor shall comply with the guidelines prescribed by the organiser for the removal and separation of rubbish.
13.2 The organiser will provide the exhibitors with sufficient information about the build-up times before and during the event days and will determine when these activities are to be completed.
13.3 Variation from these times is only allowed if permission to do so has been granted by the organiser in writing. The organiser reserves the right to stop and/or interrupt the building of stands without prior consultation.
13.4 The exhibitor shall finish building and fitting out its stand in a timely manner before the opening of the event. Breakdown of the stand and/or removal of materials may not commence until after the event is finally closed.
13.5 If the stand space is not completely cleared, the organiser shall be entitled:
a. To remove any remaining materials, goods or packaging at the risk and expense of the exhibitor or have them stored. 
b. To return, at the risk and expense of the exhibitor, the stand space to the state it was in when it was provided to the exhibitor.
13.6 The organiser shall be entitled to destroy or sell, at its own discretion, materials and goods that the organiser does know to whom it belongs and which have not been collected by the owner by one month after the event is closed.

14 Visserijnieuws Special

14.1 The organiser will list all exhibitors in the Visserijnieuws Special by name, specialisation and stand number, on the basis of the information provided on registration.
14.2 The organiser shall determine how the listings are formulated and also reserves the right to shorten the details of the exhibitors, if necessary.

15 Exhibitor cancellation

15.1 An exhibitor may cancel registration in writing. In the event of cancellation, the exhibitor shall pay the following cancellation charge:
Cancellation more than two (2) months before the event: 50% of the cost of the stand
Cancellation less than two (2) months before the event: 100% of the cost of the stand

16 Default, insolvency, bankruptcy, entering into liquidation

16.1 If the exhibitor, due to special circumstances that are no fault of its own or that are beyond its control, is unable to use the stand space, the organiser may, at the exhibitor’s request, cancel the contract to exhibit, in which case the exhibitor shall pay 25% of the total cost of the stand and additional exhibit charges, as well as the other expenses incurred at its request by or by means of the organiser in connection with its participation.
16.2 In the event the exhibitor becomes bankrupt or insolvent or enters into liquidation and applies for court protection from creditors at any time after the contract to exhibit is concluded, the contract to exhibit shall be terminated merely by the occurrence of the aforesaid events and the exhibitor shall pay the entire amount of the agreed cost of the stand, as well as other expenses incurred on its behalf, notwithstanding the right of the organiser to claim cost compensation, damages and interest.

17 Insurance

17.1 The exhibitor undertakes to the organiser to arrange insurance at its own risk and expense with comprehensive protection against any loss or damage, such as caused by reason of fire, lightning, explosion, heavy winds, rain, snow and melt water, water unexpectedly flowing from installations and connected installations and connected devices, emission of smoke and soot, break-in, theft and vandalism. The exhibitor shall also, at its own risk and expense, arrange insurance to cover its legal liability.
17.2 The insurance must take effect no later than when standfitting commences and must end after the let space is completely cleared and all goods have been removed from the grounds of the event space.
17.3 The organiser shall at all times be entitled to request access to the insurance policy or policies of the exhibitor.

18 Occupation and use of stand

18.1 The exhibitor may not, without the prior consent of the organiser, keep its stand closed or leave its stand unstaffed while the event is open to visitors.
18.2 The exhibitor must ensure, during opening times throughout the entire course of the event, that the stand is stocked with a sufficient range of items, sufficiently staffed and fitted out in in an appropriate manner considering the nature of the event, in the opinion of the organiser. If the exhibitor fails to do so, the organiser shall be entitled to remove the exhibitor’s fitting materials. In such case, the exhibitor shall be liable for the expenses that the organiser must incur to refit the stand space. An exception to this rule is if exhibitors take part in lectures and workshops and any short breaks. The exhibitor may not vacate the stall before the official closing time; exhibitors that do so may be excluded from the following event. As an exception, this is only permitted in consultation with the organiser (force majeure).

19 Miscellaneous

19.1 After the end of the event, the exhibitor shall leave the stand space allocated to it in the same condition as it was in when it was provided to it before the build-up period. Rubbish left behind by the exhibitor may, if in the opinion of the organiser it exceeds the normal amount or content, be removed at the expense of the exhibitor.
19.2 In all cases where the organiser has a demand, notice of default or any writ served to the exhibitor or in the case of an action against the exhibitor in respect of this Contract, exhibitor shall be responsible for all costs incurred, including all costs of legal representation exceeding the court award as the result of the application of the court-approved scale of costs. The exhibitor shall also reimburse the organiser for the costs incurred out of court, which shall be calculated according to the rate of the Dutch Bar Association, with a minimum of €670. The Sub-District Court of Lelystad has exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes ensuing directly or indirectly from this contract. This contract is governed by the laws of the Netherlands.

20 Supply and removal of goods during event days

20.1 The supply and removal of goods during event days is permitted only with the consent of the organiser in writing.

Exhibitor declaration

By signing the contract to exhibit form, the exhibitor agrees to the General Terms and Conditions for the Holland Fisheries Event, organised by Projectbureau HFE on the authority of Stichting Visserijdagen Urk.